Get Started

Register & Create Site

New User

  1. If you are a new user, click:
    register button 
    and log in with your CruzID and Gold Password
  2. Once you have logged in, click:
    create new site button
  3. Enter your site domain and title
  4. Click "Create Site"

Your site will be created with a default theme but you can change this to the one your want using the Appearance link on the left. You're ready to go.

Existing User

  1. If you already have a site but want to create a new site, go to your site and click "Log In" (in the upper left-hand corner)
  2. Use your CruzID and Gold Password and from your dashboard, click “Create a New Site”

    Create new site button

  3. Enter a "site domain" and title
  4. Click "Create Site"