Launch Your New WordPress Site

Step 1.  Make your site public

Make your site public by changing your Privacy settings.  

Step 2 (optional). Redirect an old site to your new one

If you have an old site hosted by UCSC, which should now point to your new site, complete the below form.

Step 3 (optional): Request a (New) Custom URL

If you need a custom URL (sometimes called a CName, Alias, or Domain Name), complete the below form. NOTE: sites with custom URLs (anything but <sitename>, cannot be password protected. When this request goes through, your site will be made fully public if not already.

An ITS staff member will process the form below and let you know when your new URL is activated. 

Keep in mind that new URL names have to be approved by University Relations and this request will be automatically forwarded to them for approval.  The Campus Web Steering Committee created naming convention guidelines. Note that the university does not permit the use of a person’s name as a custom URL (e.g. 

Request Redirect and/or Custom URL
Enter the URL of any existing website that should now point to your new Faculty WordPress site.

If you require a custom URL that does not have “.sites” in it, please provide the URL.

Approval: Custom URL requests are not automatically approved and may be subject to review.

Password protection: Custom URLs do not work with password protection.

Typically the above is plenty of information but if you have an unusual situation, use this space to describe it.